News — Tech

Mastering the Art of Tech Declutter

Mastering the Art of Tech Declutter

Now, you might hesitate, thinking, 'But I might need that old phone or gaming console someday!' Trust me, I've been there. However, most outdated tech merely occupies space and adds clutter to our lives. By simplifying and decluttering, you'll create physical and mental space, leading to a more comfortable and stress-free lifestyle.

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Lego storm trooper and a discarded battery in nature

The Impact of Cheap Technology on the Environment

The proliferation of cheap technology has led to a significant increase in e-waste, posing a threat to our environment. To reduce our e-waste footprint, we can choose products with longer lifespans, repair and refurbish our devices, and dispose of e-waste responsibly. Companies like BLUi are using sustainable technology to minimise their environmental impact. Let's make conscious choices and take responsible actions to protect our planet and create a more sustainable future.

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