News — Security

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Don't Let Your Cameras Fail You: The Top 10 Maintenance Tasks You Need to Know

As a home or business owner, your security cameras are your eyes and ears when you can't be there. These cameras allow you to monitor your property and protect your assets, giving you peace of mind knowing that your home or business is safe. But, like any piece of technology, security cameras require maintenance to ensure they function properly.

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The Importance of CCTV Cameras for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you have a responsibility to ensure the safety and security of your employees, clients, and property. Unfortunately, a simple lock on the door isn't enough to protect your business from damage, violence, or theft. That's why CCTV camera systems have become an essential investment for small businesses in recent years.

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How Critical is Farm Security?

Farming is a challenging occupation with many variables that farmers cannot control. Farm security, however, is one aspect that farmers can manage, and it has been around since the beginning of agriculture.

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Top 5 Physical Security Tips for Small Business Owners

Top 5 Physical Security Tips for Small Business Owners

Being a small business owner can be very rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Physical security is crucial for any business as it can be vulnerable to break-ins and security breaches. In this article, we will discuss five ways to protect your business premises from physical security threats. 1. Secure all entry points and windows Installing deadbolts on doors and locks on windows is an effective way to prevent break-ins. Make sure to secure all entry points before closing the business. It's also essential to have a sound access control system in place during working hours. There are several...

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