Shelly Plus 1 Add-On
Choose with confidence, knowing all our products are from Authorised Australian Distributors and are backed by a solid Australian warranty. We strictly avoid grey imports.
Choose with confidence, knowing all our products are from Authorised Australian Distributors and are backed by a solid Australian warranty. We strictly avoid grey imports.
Choose with confidence, knowing all our products are from Authorised Australian Distributors and are backed by a solid Australian warranty. We strictly avoid grey imports.
Choose with confidence, knowing all our products are from Authorised Australian Distributors and are backed by a solid Australian warranty. We strictly avoid grey imports.
Add on to your Shelly Plus devices.
The Shelly Plus 1 Add-On can accommodate up to five DS18B20 sensors or one DHT22 sensor. The Add-On has both an analog and digital input to ensure accurate measurements. Choose to include the DS18B20 temperature sensor (up to 5) or the DHT22 sensor for monitoring both temperature and humidity.
Why choose the Shelly Plus Add-On? It provides precise measurement and control, serving as a galvanically isolated sensor interface for all Shelly Plus relays. Use the 1-Wire terminals to measure temperature and humidity, or connect a variety of analog and digital sensors for advanced automation and increased efficiency.